Operasjonell istjenestepublikasjon og rapporter

Følgende referanser inneholder en omfattende liste over publikasjoner og rapporter relatert til nasjonale og internasjonale havisoperasjoner, operasjonskart og bruk av iskart, enten direkte eller indirekte. Følgende informasjon er relevant for alle operasjonelle istjenester.Arctic Climatology Project. 2000. Environmental Working Group joint U.S.-Russian sea ice atlas. Edited by F. Tanis and V. Smolyanitsky. Ann Arbor, MI: Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, in association with the National Snow and Ice Data Center. CD-ROM.


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Agnew, T., and S. Howell. 2003. The use of operational ice charts for evaluating passive microwave ice concentration data, Atmosphere-Ocean 41 (4), 317-331.

Bertoia, C., J. Falkingham and F. Fetterer. 1998. Polar SAR data for operational sea ice mapping. In Analysis of SAR Data of the Polar Oceans. Edited by C. Tsatsoulis and R. Kwok, 201-234. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

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Cafarella, Silvie & Scharien, Randall & Geldsetzer, Torsten & Howell, Stephen & Haas, Christian & Segal, Rebecca & Nasonova, Sasha. (2019). Estimation of Level and Deformed First-Year Sea Ice Surface Roughness in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago from C- and L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 45. 1-19. 10.1080/07038992.2019.1647102.

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Comiso, J. C., and R. Kwok. 1996. Surface and radiative characteristics of the summer Arctic sea ice cover from multi-sensor satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (C12): 28, 397-28, 416.

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DeAbreu, R. J. Yackel, D. Barber, M. Arkett. 2001. Operational satellite sensing of Arctic first-year sea ice melt. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 27(5), 487-501.

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Karvonen, J., Rinne, E., Sallila, H., & Mäkynen, M. (2020). On suitability of ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 dual-polarized SAR data for Arctic sea ice parameter estimation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(11), 7969-7981. https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2020.2985696

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